Star Trek (1966)

2.64K Views0 Comments

Space. The Final Frontier. The U.S.S. Enterprise embarks on a five year mission to explore the galaxy. The Enterprise is under the command of Captain James T. Kirk with First Officer Mr. Spock, from the planet Vulcan...

Secret Invasion (2023)

11.78K Views0 Comments

Nick Fury and Talos discover a faction of shapeshifting Skrulls who have been infiltrating Earth for years.

Vortex (2023)

3.25K Views0 Comments

Two mysterious deaths. A rift in time. Sci-fi thriller about policeman Ludovic who risks everything when he tries to change the past.

Slip (2023)

1.36K Views0 Comments

Restless in her marriage, Slip follows Mae through a surreal journey of parallel universes, married to different people, trying to find a way back to her partner, and ultimately, herself.

Yakitori: Soldiers of Misfortune (2023)

777 Views0 Comments

With Earth colonized by a superior alien civilization, Akira's only chance at a better future is to enlist as an expendable Yakitori foot soldier.

Mulligan (2023)

648 Views0 Comments

After Earth is destroyed by an alien attack, a rag-tag band of survivors has to start society over from scratch. It's an opportunity to learn from humanity's past mistakes and get things right this time. Or make the ...

Black Knight (2023)

5.49K Views0 Comments

In a dystopian 2071 devastated by air pollution, the survival of humanity depends on the Black Knights — and they’re far from your average delivery men.

Fired on Mars (2023)

1.07K Views0 Comments

After taking a one-way trip to the Red Planet, graphic designer Jeff Cooper finds himself adrift when his bosses unceremoniously eliminate his role.

Mrs. Davis (2023)

1.63K Views0 Comments

Sister Simone partners with her ex-boyfriend on a globe-spanning journey to destroy Mrs. Davis, a powerful artificial intelligence.

Yonder (2022)

1.47K Views0 Comments

Ja-hyun receives a message from his deceased wife inviting him to reunite with her in a place called 'Yonder'.

Opus.COLORs (2023)

739 Views0 Comments

Ce culoare are lumea în care trăiești? Arta percepției există în lumea artei de aproximativ 10 ani, iar acum face parte din viața oamenilor. Yamanashi Kazuya, fiul familiei Yamanashi, s-a înscris recent la prestigioa...

HIGH CARD (2023)

1.17K Views0 Comments

v The Kingdom of Fourland is an island nation located in the North Atlantic. The country notably holds the 52 "X" playing cards, considered to be the very origin of playing cards. These cards, each endowed with a supe...

The Big Door Prize (2023)

1.36K Views0 Comments

A small town is forever changed when a mysterious machine appears, promising to reveal everyone's true potential. Soon residents start changing jobs, rethinking relationships, and questioning long-held beliefs—all in...

Sabikui Bisco (2022)

1.17K Views0 Comments

One rogue explores and tries to survive in the barren wasteland of a far-future Japan! Un eveniment apocaliptic a distrus Japonia, lăsând în urmă deșerturi nesfârșite de nisip și o boală bizară numită ruginire, ca...

Plan B (2023)

2.91K Views0 Comments

An ambitious young lawyer discovers a way to travel through time to fix his relationships and create his perfect life, but even when he knows what's going to happen next, he can't control everything.

Falling Skies (2011)

6.19K Views2 Comments

Falling Skies opens in the chaotic aftermath of an alien attack that has left most of the world completely incapacitated. In the six months since the initial invasion, the few survivors have banded together outside m...

The Swarm (Der Schwarm) (2023)

8.65K Views2 Comments

Mysterious events are piling up in the oceans around the world: whales destroy boats, deep-sea crabs attack beaches, mussels paralyze container ships. A previously unknown ice worm destabilizes continental slopes in ...

A Girl and an Astronaut (Dziewczyna i kosmonauta) (2023)

2.22K Views0 Comments

An astronaut's return after a 30-year disappearance rekindles a lost love and sparks interest from a corporation determined to learn why he hasn't aged. Buni prieteni, piloții de avioane F-16 Nikodem și Bogdan se lu...

Mila in the Multiverse (2023)

2.07K Views0 Comments

For her 16th birthday, Mila receives a very special present. Mila can now travel back and forth between different parallel universes to look for her mother, Elis. But Mila soon discovers that her mother's disappearan...

MAKE MY DAY (2023)

2.39K Views0 Comments

Pe o planetă de gheață îndepărtată, care promite un viitor strălucit, prizonierii extrag o sursă de energie rară, fapt ce duce la o descoperire letală și nedorită.

The Ark (2023)

6.37K Views1 Comments

The Ark takes place 100 years in the future when planetary colonization missions have begun as a necessity to help secure the survival of the human race. The first of these missions on a spacecraft known as Ark One e...

Defiance (2013)

4.17K Views0 Comments

Actiunea serialului este plasata in viitorul apropiat, unde o rasa de extraterestri numiti Votani, a venit pe Pamant in cautarea unei noi case, dupa ce sistemul lor solar a fost distrus. In ciuda lungilor negocieri c...

NieR:Automata Ver1.1a (2023)

2.35K Views0 Comments

Viitorul îndepărtat, anul 5012. Brusca invazie aeriană a Pământului de către extratereștri și creațiile lor, mașinăriile, a adus omenirea la un pas de extincție. Supraviețuitorii s-au refugiat pe Lună pentru a organi...

Seis Manos (2019)

1.12K Views0 Comments

Trei orfani crescuți de un maestru de arte marțiale se trezesc în miezul unui mister cu puteri demonice, carteluri de droguri, ritualuri străvechi și jertfe de sânge.


8.22K Views0 Comments

Vash Fulgerătorul este un pistolar pacifist plin de viaţă, dar de ce are o recompensă de 6 milioane de dolari pe capul său? Aceasta este o enigmă pentru reporterul debutant Meryl Stryfe şi partenerul său veteran când...

Oats Studios (2017)

4.45K Views0 Comments

Regizorul Neill Blomkamp produce o serie de scurtmetraje experimentale care imaginează lumi postapocaliptice și scenarii de coșmar.

Three-Body (2023)

3.83K Views0 Comments

Nanotechnology researcher Wang Miao is taken to the Joint Operations Center by police officer Shi Qiang, who's investigating the mysterious suicide of several scientists, and recruited to sneak into an organization c...

Gannibal (2022)

2.35K Views0 Comments

After causing a major incident, police officer Daigo Agawa takes his wife and daughter to live in the remote mountain village of Kuge. It seems the perfect place to recover from the ordeal, despite the mysterious dis...

Earth to Ned (2020)

1.26K Views0 Comments

Ned, a blue-skinned alien, and his lieutenant Cornelius, were sent to scout Earth for an eventual invasion — but instead became obsessed with popular culture. Now they host a talk show, broadcast from the bridge of t...

Big Hero 6 The Series (2017)

1.63K Views0 Comments

Picking up immediately following the events in the feature film, these are the continuing adventures and friendship of 14-year-old tech genius Hiro and his compassionate, cutting-edge robot Baymax. As the new prodigy...

Parasyte -the maxim- (2014)

2.24K Views0 Comments

A species of parasitic aliens descends on Earth and quickly infiltrates humanity by entering the brains of vulnerable targets; insatiable beings that gain total control of their host and are capable of transforming t...

Hot Skull (2022)

2.79K Views0 Comments

Într-o lume distopică, o epidemie se răspândește prin comunicare verbală, iar o instituție tiranică urmărește un lingvist imun la boală.