Who Killed Little Gregory? (2020)

2.67K Views0 Comments

După ce cadavrul unui băiețel ucis este găsit într-un râu, poliția își concentrează cercetările asupra amenințărilor anonime, dar personale trimise părinților.

The Head (2020)

5.10K Views2 Comments

Winter has fallen on the South Pole. The sun will soon disappear for the next six months. A small team of scientists, known as the Winterers, will remain at the Polaris VI Antarctic Research Station to continue their...

Love, Victor (2020)

4.44K Views4 Comments

"Love, Victor" follows Victor, a new student at Creekwood High School on his own journey of self-discovery, facing challenges at home, adjusting to a new city, and struggling with his sexual orientation. When it al...

Flipped (2020)

2.90K Views0 Comments

Chronically underemployed couple Jann and Cricket Melfi are self-proclaimed home renovation "experts" who are more than confident they are television's next great home design celebrity duo. The clueless pair's dreams...

Nikki Fre$h (2020)

1.86K Views0 Comments

Nicole Richie unites her passions for Mother Earth and hip hop into her eponymous alter ego, Nikki Fre$h, as she interacts with real life seekers and consciousness experts to learn ways to better service our bodies a...

Chrissy’s Court (2020)

2.56K Views0 Comments

Chrissy Teigen reigns supreme as the "judge" over small claims cases. The plaintiffs, defendants, and disputes are real, as Chrissy's mom turned "bailiff," Pepper Thai, maintains order in the courtroom.

Itaewon Class (2020)

5.92K Views0 Comments

Într-un cartier plin de viață din Seul, un fost deținut și prietenii lui luptă cu un rival puternic pentru a-și realiza visurile ambițioase de a deschide un bar.

Possessed (Bing-ui) (2019)

4.91K Views0 Comments

O clarvăzătoare se alătură cu neîncredere unui detectiv de poliție dur, dar cu suflet mare, pentru a rezolva cazuri de crimă cu ajutorul abilităților ei de telepat.

The Salisbury Poisonings (2020)

2.50K Views0 Comments

The real-life mini tells the story of how ordinary people and public services reacted to the Novichok crisis as their city became the focus of an unprecedented national emergency when Sergei and Yulia Skripal were po...

The Miracle – Il Miracolo (2018)

3.22K Views0 Comments

During the incursion in a mob boss' hideout, Police finds a Virgin Mary plastic sculpture which weeps blood. There is no answer to the mystery, but the power of the enigma will make crazy the people who will get in t...

Whispers (2020)

4.44K Views0 Comments

Membrii unei familii bogate încep să descopere adevărul după moartea suspectă a capului familiei, iar secrete întunecate ies la lumină.

The Search (Historia de un crimen: La búsqueda) (2020)

2.87K Views0 Comments

O fetiță dispare dintr-o suburbie de lângă Ciudad de México, iar interesele personale ale unora dintre cei implicați îngreunează căutarea. Bazat pe fapte reale.

The Woods (2020)

4.08K Views0 Comments

Dovezile găsite pe corpul unei victime readuc în inima unui procuror speranța că sora sa dispărută acum 25 de ani ar putea fi încă în viață.

Guyane (2017)

6.38K Views1 Comments

Vincent Ogier, a twenty years old Parisian geology student, landed in Guyana for an internship at a gold mining company: Cayenor. An immoderate taste for danger will push Vincent to associate with the "godfather o...

Wild Israel (2016)

2.26K Views0 Comments

From the spectacular shores of the Red Sea to the scorching heat of the Negev desert, Israel boasts a diverse array of natural landscapes. Explore the vast kaleidoscope of animal and plant life that populate its drama...

#freerayshawn (2020)

5.57K Views0 Comments

When an Iraqi War veteran is framed by the cops for a drug deal, he is forced to take refuge inside his apartment building with his family.

Most Dangerous Game (2020)

11.93K Views0 Comments

Desperate to take care of his pregnant wife before a terminal illness can take his life, Dodge Maynard accepts an offer to participate in a deadly game where he soon discovers that he's not the hunter... but the prey.

Dummy (2020)

2.49K Views0 Comments

After being discarded by her original owner, a spoiled, jealous, and manipulative sex doll named Barbara convinces aspiring writer Cody, the only one able to hear her speak, to take her home so she can help cure Cody...

The Stranger (Quibi) (2020)

4.42K Views1 Comments

An unassuming young rideshare driver is thrown into her worst nightmare when a mysterious Hollywood Hills passenger enters her car. Her terrifying, heart-stopping ride with the stranger unfolds over 12 hours as she n...

50 States of Fright (2020)

5.07K Views0 Comments

A horror anthology series based on urban legends that takes viewers deeper into the horrors that lurk just beneath the surface of America.

When the Street Lights Go On (2020)

3.82K Views0 Comments

In the vein of Stand By Me, "When The Street Lights Go On" is a coming-of-age thriller about a sleepy, suburban town that is rocked by the brutal murder of a high school girl and her teacher in the summer of 1983.

Gary and His Demons (2020)

2.18K Views0 Comments

Gary & His Demons is an animated comedy that centers around 45-year-old Gary. He's tired. His hairline is receding, he wears horn-rimmed glasses and he's just chased his final demon before his long-overdue retirement...

Curon (2020)

5.95K Views5 Comments

După 17 ani, o femeie se întoarce acasă cu gemenii ei adolescenți. Ea dispare în mod misterios, iar copiii săi se confruntă cu o moștenire întunecată de familie.

Lenox Hill (2020)

2.30K Views0 Comments

În acest serial documentar, patru doctori de la renumitul spital Lenox Hill din New York caută echilibrul între viața personală și dedicarea față de pacienți.

Reality Z (2020)

5.24K Views0 Comments

Rio de Janeiro este asediat de zombi, iar concurenții unui reality-show se adăpostesc într-un studio TV, unde trebuie să înfrunte hoardele înfometate și nu numai.

Hierro (2019)

3.29K Views0 Comments

In El Hierro, the most remote island of the Canary Archipelago, a murder has occurred. Candela, an experienced judge with a strong character, must instruct the case as she takes up her position in a destination where...

I May Destroy You (2020)

2.48K Views0 Comments

Povestea serialului o are în centru pe Arabella, o femeie sigură pe sine, cu un grup grozav de prieteni și o carieră înfloritoare ca scriitoare. Dar după ce e drogată cu drogul violului, trebuie să își reconstruiască...

Galerias Velvet (2014)

4.81K Views0 Comments

În Spania anilor 1950, moștenitorul unei case de modă îi face curte unei croitorese frumoase care lucrează pentru companie, în ciuda obiecțiilor familiei sale.

En Casa (aka. At Home)

2.01K Views0 Comments

Primăvară, 2020. Spania. Cinci regizori ne oferă cinci povești filmate cu telefonul mobil acasă în care izolarea cauzată de Coronavirus are rolul unui factor catalizator care pune sub semnul întrebării cine suntem.

Trackers (2020)

7.41K Views0 Comments

Acest serial cu 6 episoade prezintă trei povești care se intersectează în Cape Town, în Africa de Sud, într-o conspirație violentă care implică crima organizată, diamante furate, siguranța statului, Black Rhinos, CIA...

El Presidente (2020)

2.04K Views2 Comments

The head of a small Chilean football club becomes a key player in the 2015 FIFA corruption scandal.

Dear… (2020)

1.97K Views0 Comments

Dear... takes an inventive and cinematic approach to biographies of the most iconic figures in society today by using letters written by those whose lives have been changed through their work.