Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet

4.09K Views0 Comments

Mythic Quest is centered on the creative director at a video game development studio. The show follows a team of video game developers as they navigate the challenges of running a popular video game.

Românii au talent

3.41K Views0 Comments

Românii au talent este o emisiune de televiziune care a debutat la postul de televiziune Pro TV în februarie 2011. Proiectul este o franciză Got Talent, program de televiziune de tip concurs reality television, dezvo...

Dragoste de tata (Benim Tatlı Yalanım)

12.90K Views0 Comments

Dragoste de tata (Benim Tatlı Yalanım) serial turcesc subtitrate in romana

Locke & Key (2020)

10.49K Views7 Comments

După uciderea tatălui lor, cei trei frați și mama acestora se mută în casa veche a răposatului, unde descoperă chei magice care eliberează puteri… și secrete.

Interrogation (2020)

5.11K Views3 Comments

Interrogation is an original concept based on a true story that spanned more than 30 years, in which a young man was charged and convicted of brutally murdering his mother. Each episode is structured around an interr...

Tommy (2020)

3.75K Views0 Comments

A former high-ranking NYC police officer becomes the first female LAPD Chief of Police and uses her unflinching honesty and hardball tactics to navigate the social, political and national security issues that comes w...

Katy Keene (2020)

4.05K Views0 Comments

Based on the Archie Comics character, Katy Keeneis a musical dramedy that follows the titular fashionista and her friends to New York City, where they strive to make it on Broadway, on the runway and in the recording...

Indebted (2020)

2.75K Views0 Comments

Young parents Dave and Rebecca are ready to reclaim their life after years of diapers and sleepless nights. However, things take an unexpected turn when Dave's parents show up unannounced and broke, leaving Dave with...

Briarpatch (2020)

5.63K Views0 Comments

Briarpatch follows Allegra Dill, a dogged investigator returning to her border-town Texas home after her sister is murdered by a car bomb. What begins as a search for a killer turns into an all-consuming fight to bri...

Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000)

8.16K Views0 Comments

Larry David are totul – bani, siguranţă, prieteni faimoşi, o soţie grijulie şi-o splendidă casă în Hollywood. Şi-atunci de ce ţine el morţiş să-şi dea viaţa peste cap? Doar pentru că ai reuşit în viaţă nu înseamnă că...

The Pharmacist (2020)

3.02K Views0 Comments

După moartea tragică a fiului său, un farmacist din Louisiana recurge la măsuri extreme pentru a scoate la iveală corupția dezlănțuită din spatele crizei opioidelor.

McMillions (2020)

6.06K Views0 Comments

McMillions chronicling the stranger-than-fiction story of an ex-cop turned security auditor who rigged the McDonald's Monopoly game promotion for a decade, stealing millions of dollars and building a vast network of ...

Baghdad Central (2020)

4.29K Views0 Comments

October 2003 and Baghdad has been occupied by American forces for six months; but the disbandment of the Iraqi army, the police and civil leadership in the aftermath of the invasion means there is no one in charge an...

Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation

4.48K Views0 Comments

Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation revealing newly authenticated evidence and footage, interviews from eyewitnesses and former military personnel who have never spoken out before and extensive breakthr...

Teen Titans Go!

3.60K Views0 Comments

Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy and Cyborg return in all-new, comedic adventures. They may be super heroes who save the world every day ... but somebody still has to do the laundry!

Justin Bieber: Seasons (2020)

2.96K Views1 Comments

An intimate behind-the-scenes look at Justin Bieber's private life, including never-before-seen footage of his wedding to Hailey Bieber and his day-to-day alongside those in his inner circle.

Pasarea de smarald (Zümrüdüanka)

7.00K Views0 Comments

Actorul Alp Navruz se întoarece pe micile ecrane cu noul serial ,,Zümrüdü Anka”, iar parteneră îi va fi Ceren Yılmaz. Vor da viață personajelor Serhat şi Zümrut.

Little Witch Academia

4.76K Views0 Comments

„O inimă încrezătoare este magia ta!” - acestea au fost cuvintele pe care renumita Shiny Chariot, idolul lui Atsuko Kagari, cunoscută ca „Akko”, i le-a spus în timpul unei reprezentații magice acum câțiva ani. De atu...

Born in Africa (2020)

2.39K Views0 Comments

We will be able to follow each stage of these cute little fluff balls growing up. We'll witness their first steps out in the wild, nursing moments, being educated whether collectively or among siblings.

The Pyramid Code (2009)

4.77K Views0 Comments

This is a documentary series of 5 episodes that explores the pyramid fields and ancient temples in Egypt as well as ancient megalithic sites around the world looking for clues to matriarchal consciousness, ancient k...

Mums Make Porn (2019)

48.29K Views0 Comments

Five women make a sex film addressing the issues that matter most to them.

Porn Laid Bare (2019)

34.20K Views0 Comments

Six people with differing attitudes to pornography spend two weeks inside Spain's adult film industry, exploring the impact of porn on their lives, on society and on the performers.

Ted Bundy: Falling for a Killer (2020)

3.65K Views0 Comments

After nearly 40 years of silence, Elizabeth Kloepfer and her daughter Molly share their experiences with unsettling new details about Ted Bundy.

Secret Bridesmaids’ Business (2019)

5.28K Views0 Comments

The lives of three friends are inextricably changed when one of them unwittingly invites a malevolent stranger into their world. A tangle of lies and laughter collides with a stalker's chilling obsession in this cont...

Next in Fashion (2020)

3.89K Views0 Comments

Designeri talentați de pe mapamond concurează pentru premiul de 250.000 de dolari și șansa de a deveni noul nume mare din lumea modei.

Vis de iubire ( Erkenci Kus )

56.77K Views3 Comments

Serialul turcesc ”Vis de iubire” prezintă povestea de dragoste dintre Can (Can Yaman) şi Sanem (Demet Özdemir), o poveste presărată cu momente comice, romantism, din care nu lipsesc și intrigile. Sanem și Can sunt d...

Ragnarok (2020)

19.19K Views3 Comments

Într-un oraș norvegian copleșit de poluare și zguduit de ghețari în topire, sfârșitul lumii pare aproape. Va fi nevoie de un erou de legendă să înfrunte un rău antic.

Luna Nera (2020)

7.01K Views0 Comments

În Italia secolului al XVII-lea, o adolescentă își descoperă destinul într-o comunitate de vrăjitoare, în vreme ce tatăl iubitului ei o vânează pentru vrăjitorie.

The Stranger (2020)

6.16K Views0 Comments

Când o necunoscută face o afirmație șocantă despre soția sa, familistul Adam Price este prins într-un mister pe care încearcă disperat să-l deslușească.

Night on Earth (2020)

2.38K Views0 Comments

Noua tehnologie din acest serial despre natură ridică a nopții cortină și ne arată viața ascunsă a creaturilor lumii, de la lei care vânează până la lilieci în zbor.

Omniscient (Onisciente)

5.53K Views0 Comments

Într-un oraș în care cetățenii sunt monitorizați permanent, o angajată în IT trebuie să păcălească drona care o supraveghează, pentru a investiga o crimă.

Nightcap (2016)

2.44K Views0 Comments

This is a 10-episode comedy set behind-the-scenes of a fictitious late-night talk show, entitled "The Night Cap with Jimmy" starring Ali Wentworth as Traci. It is an edgy, over-the-top, single-camera, culture-comment...