Strike Back (2010)

22.51K Views0 Comments

Acest serial dramatic plin de acţiune îşi are originea în domeniul contra-terorismului şi se desfăşoară pe fundalul unor probleme globale extrem de actuale. Povestea serialului are în prim plan alianţa neobişnuită di...

The Pale Horse (2020)

5.45K Views0 Comments

When a mysterious list of names is found in the shoe of a dead woman, one of those named, Mark Easterbrook, begins an investigation into how and why his name came to be there. He is drawn to The Pale Horse, the home ...

Briarpatch (2020)

5.63K Views0 Comments

Briarpatch follows Allegra Dill, a dogged investigator returning to her border-town Texas home after her sister is murdered by a car bomb. What begins as a search for a killer turns into an all-consuming fight to bri...

Baghdad Central (2020)

4.29K Views0 Comments

October 2003 and Baghdad has been occupied by American forces for six months; but the disbandment of the Iraqi army, the police and civil leadership in the aftermath of the invasion means there is no one in charge an...

The Stranger (2020)

6.16K Views0 Comments

Când o necunoscută face o afirmație șocantă despre soția sa, familistul Adam Price este prins într-un mister pe care încearcă disperat să-l deslușească.

The Dead Lands (2020)

17.98K Views5 Comments

Waka, a murdered Māori warrior returned from the Afterlife, and Mehe, a determined young woman, embark on a quest to find who "broke the world" and how to close the breach between the living and the dead.

The Ghost Bride (2020)

8.74K Views0 Comments

Acțiunea din Mireasă în viața de apoi este plasată în perioada colonială, în anii 1890, în Malacca. Li Lan primește o propunere de căsătorie din partea înstăritei familii Lim, urmând să devină „mireasă în viața de ap...

Wisting (2020)

9.55K Views0 Comments

Wisting, based on Jørn Lier Horst's books The Hunting Dogs and The Caveman, sees Detective William Wisting attempt to solve a series of senseless and vicious murders in a small coastal town. However, the detective mu...

Fortunate Son (2020)

3.31K Views0 Comments

Spy drama set in the social and political chaos of 1968, inspired by a true story. Pursued into Canada by the FBI, the matriarch of an American activist family helps smuggle Vietnam war deserters and draft dodgers a...

The Commons (2019)

5.54K Views0 Comments

Set in a gripping vision of the near future, THE COMMONS is an absorbing character-driven relationship drama and a story about motherhood as the ultimate act of faith in humanity.

Cold Call (2019)

4.18K Views0 Comments

Cold Call is a dark thriller, set in Manchester, detailing the story of a single mother caught up in a fraudulent cold call scam that threatens to see her life unravel. It stars Sally Lindsay as June, a hard working ...

Truth Be Told (2019)

7.08K Views1 Comments

Truth Be Told provides a unique glimpse into America's obsession with true-crime podcasts and challenges its viewers to consider the consequences when the pursuit of justice is placed on a public stage.

Reprisal (2019)

5.05K Views0 Comments

A woman sets out for revenge against the gang that tried to kill her. Reprisal is a hyper-kinetic revenge tale following a relentless femme fatale who, after being dragged and left for dead, leads a vengeful campa...

100 Code (2015)

9.55K Views1 Comments

Set in Sweden where young women have been turning up dead in a field of asphodel flowers over the course of 12 months, it centers on New York Detective Tommy Conley (Dominic Monaghan) who, through a special dispensat...

Bez vedomi (The Sleepers)

4.44K Views0 Comments

Protagonista acestui serial, a cărui acțiune are loc în lumea serviciilor secrete, dar și a comunității de disidenți de la sfârșitul lui 1989, este o femeie obișnuită care e obligată să dezvăluie secrete neașteptate ...

Death Valley (2011)

8.87K Views0 Comments

The Undead Task Force, a branch of the LAPD that was formed in 2009 when the San Fernando Valley was overtaken by zombies, werewolves and vampires, must continue to get rid of the monsters and contain them in the val...

Motive (2013)

13.42K Views0 Comments

A cat-and-mouse series with a twist on the everyday whodunit, „Motive” centers on Angie Flynn, a detective on a backwards chase for clues to a killer that has already been revealed to viewers. The series, filmed in V...

Nowhere Man (2019)

3.88K Views0 Comments

Două planuri infame care se derulează la 10 ani distanță îl au ca punct central pe un membru neînfricat al Triadei. El trebuie să evadeze pentru a salva o persoană dragă.

The Inmate (El Recluso)

16.29K Views3 Comments

Sub masca unui deținut într-o închisoare mexicană, un fost pușcaș marin se infiltrează într-o bandă suspectată de răpirea fiicei adolescente a unui judecător din SUA.

Brotherhood (Irmandade)

4.30K Views0 Comments

Acțiunea din „Organizația Frăției” se desfășoară la jumătatea perioadei anilor 1990 și urmărește povestea Cristinei, o avocată dedicată, care descoperă că fratele de care se îndepărtase se află în închisoare și este ...

The Unlisted (2019)

5.89K Views0 Comments

Descoperind un plan secret de urmărire și de control al minții tinerilor, gemenii identici Dru și Kal fac echipă cu o gașcă de rebeli fugari pentru a-și salva lumea.

Limetown (2019)

7.20K Views0 Comments

Limetown follows Lia Haddock, a journalist for American Public Radio (APR), as she unravels the mystery behind the disappearance of over 300 people at a neuroscience research facility in Tennessee.

Are You Afraid of the Dark? (2019)

5.86K Views0 Comments

This is a re-imagining of the anthology series "Are You Afraid of the Dark?". The limited series, which will consist of three hour-long episodes, will introduce a new Midnight Society group of kids who will tell t...

Departure (2019)

7.78K Views0 Comments

Departure centers on the shocking disappearance of Flight 716. Kendra Malley (Panjabi), the recently widowed, brilliant aviation investigator, is called in by her former boss and mentor Howard Lawson (Plummer) to inv...

Continuum (2012)

16.60K Views0 Comments

A policewoman from the year 2077 who travels back in time to track down convicted terrorists who were able to evade their execution by traveling back to the year 2012.

Bard of Blood (2019)

6.67K Views0 Comments

Revenind pentru o misiune neautorizată de salvare de ostatici, la ani după o acțiune dezastruoasă în Balochistan, un fost spion indian se confruntă cu propriul trecut.

Emergence (2019)

5.47K Views0 Comments

Emergence centers around a sheriff who takes in a young child that she finds near the site of a mysterious accident who has no memory of what has happened. The investigation draws her into a conspiracy larger than sh...

OZ – Închisoarea Federală (1997)

14.79K Views0 Comments

Oz este o inchisoare federala de maxima securitate care gazduieste o variata categorie de infractori. In cadrul acestei inchisori exista o incinta, denumita Emerald City in care prizonierii, condamnati pentru cele ma...

Deep Water (2019)

3.94K Views0 Comments

Deep Water focuses on the lives of three women, living in and around the beautiful surroundings of Windermere. It's a modern look at family and the pressures we put ourselves under as we juggle busy lives. In strivin...

Temple (2019)

5.48K Views0 Comments

În urma unei tragedii personale, Daniel, un chirurg talentat, se alătură unui tânăr singuratic, dar foarte plin de resurse, pe nume Lee, pentru a deschide o clinică subterană în vasta rețea de tuneluri de sub Londra....

Top Boy (2019)

12.72K Views0 Comments

Un serial dramatic și sumbru în care doi traficanți de droguri din Londra își desfășoară afacerile profitabile într-o locuință socială din nordul orașului.

Hemlock Grove (2013)

11.01K Views0 Comments

Povestea are loc în Hemlock Grove, un oras fictiv din Pennsylvania. Orasul este un amestec de bogatie extrema si saracie lucie, ca urmare a închiderii bruste a combinatului siderurgic. Principalele surse ale orașului...