The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady (2023)

984 Views0 Comments

În ciuda presupusei incompetențe cu magia obișnuită, prințesa Anisphia sfidează așteptările aristocraților inventând „magicologia”, o teoria magică unică bazată pe amintirile din viața sa anterioară. Într-o zi, e mar...

ONIMAI: I’m Now Your Sister! (2023)

1.54K Views0 Comments

Mahiro Oyama era doar un tip normal, iubitor de jocuri erotice... până când s-a trezit într-o dimineață fiind fată! Aparent, sora sa mai mică, Mihari, o cercetătoare nebună, a încercat unul dintre noile ei experiment...

Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible (2023)

824 Views0 Comments

Liceanul Junta Shiraishi are un singur scop simplu: să trăiască o tinerețe frumoasă. Totuși, împlinirea acestuia pare să fie mai grea decât se aștepta, fiindcă nimeni nu-l observă în viața de zi cu zi. Singura căruia...

Spy Classroom / Spy Kyoushitsu (2023)

966 Views0 Comments

Following a devastating military conflict, countries fight their wars in the shadows. One unusual spy, Klaus, has never failed on the job despite his quirks, and he is building a team to take on an Impossible Mission...

Ladies versus Butlers! (2010)

4.67K Views0 Comments

Hino Akiharu și-a pierdut părinții când era mic și a fost adoptat de unchiul său. Nu voia să fie o povară pentru acesta, așa că a decis să se înscrie la o școală pentru servitori, liceul Hakureiryou. Totuși, aspectul...

Lookism (2022)

2.26K Views0 Comments

Într-o societate în care aspectul fizic contează, un licean proscris duce o viață dublă între cele două trupuri ale sale, aparent contrastante.

Parasyte -the maxim- (2014)

2.24K Views0 Comments

A species of parasitic aliens descends on Earth and quickly infiltrates humanity by entering the brains of vulnerable targets; insatiable beings that gain total control of their host and are capable of transforming t...

Kotaro Lives Alone (2022)

533 Views0 Comments

Un băiețel singuratic se mută într-o clădire de apartamente dărăpănată, unde se împrietenește cu falitul artist manga care locuiește alături.

Vampire in the Garden (2022)

953 Views0 Comments

Împotriva sorților, o regină-vampir și o fată își unesc forțele în căutarea „paradisului”, un loc în care oamenii și vampirii coexistă în pace.

Romantic Killer (2022)

1.13K Views0 Comments

Lui Anzu îi merge de minune și nu se gândește deloc la dragoste, asta până când un micuț vrăjitor-pețitor îi transformă viața într-o comedie romantică plină de clișee.

Chainsaw Man (2022)

6.92K Views0 Comments

Denji has a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This is a far cry from reality, however, as Denji is forced by the yakuza into killing devils in order to pay off his cr...

TIGER & BUNNY (2011)

751 Views0 Comments

The series takes place in a fictional city called Schternbilt City. Most of the citizens of Schternbilt City are people called "Next". The Next are people with superpower abilities and usually are superheroes. All of...

Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War (2022)

33.32K Views2 Comments

The peace is suddenly broken when warning sirens blare through the Soul Society. Residents are disappearing without a trace and nobody knows who's behind it. Meanwhile, a darkness is approaching Ichigo and his friend...

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (2022)

1.06K Views0 Comments

Într-o lume distopică aflată sub stăpânirea corupției și a implanturilor cibernetice, un puști talentat, dar nechibzuit încearcă să devină edgerunner, un rebel mercenar.

exception (2022)

1.73K Views0 Comments

Space horror anime series based on a new story by Hirotaka Adachi.In the distant future, human beings have been forced to leave earth and migrate to another galaxy. An advanced team of spacecraft arrives at a planet ...

Tekken: Bloodline (2022)

1.90K Views0 Comments

După ce și-a pierdut casa în fața unui inamic puternic, un luptător impulsiv se antrenează sub îndrumarea bunicului său zelos, în timp ce-și așteaptă șansa la răzbunare.

Kakegurui Twin (2022)

2.70K Views0 Comments

Hotărâtă să urce pe scara socială, Mary Saotome investește totul în ceea ce liceul ei de elită prețuiește cel mai mult: jocuri de noroc cu miză ridicată.

Bastard!! -Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy- (2022)

2.73K Views0 Comments

Forțele răului amenință cu aducerea la viață a diabolicei Anthrasax, Zeița Distrugerii, iar regatul Meta-llicana cere ajutor de la un vrăjitor neobișnuit.

Spriggan (2022)

2.48K Views0 Comments

An ancient alien civilization's relics on Earth hold dangerous powers. The ARCAM corporation's Spriggan agents must keep them out of the wrong hands.

Ultraman (2019)

10.83K Views0 Comments

Decades ago, a hero from the stars left this world in peace. Now, the son of Ultraman must rise to protect the Earth from a new alien threat.

The Way of the Househusband (2021)

2.09K Views0 Comments

Tatsu, a notorious and feared yakuza leader nicknamed "The Immortal Dragon," withdraws from the criminal syndicate and becomes a housekeeper to help his wife, Miku. The series features a variety of comedic settings, ...

Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness (2021)

5.72K Views0 Comments

Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness is based around the stories of the two popular characters, Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield. By adding suspense into dynamic action scenes, this series will reveal a Resident Evil ...

Godzilla Singular Point (2021)

3.52K Views0 Comments

Brought together by a mysterious song, a grad student and an engineer lead the fight against an unimaginable force that may spell doom for the world.

Record of Ragnarok (2021)

5.20K Views2 Comments

Before eradicating humankind from the world, the gods give them one last chance to prove themselves worthy of survival. Let the Ragnarok battles begin.

Trese (2021)

3.22K Views0 Comments

In Manila, where dark supernatural forces pervade the criminal underworld, it’s up to Alexandra Trese to keep the peace — but there’s a storm brewing.

Devilman Crybaby (2018)

2.65K Views0 Comments

Akira Fudo learns from his best friend Ryo Asuka that demons will revive and reclaim the world from humans. With humans hopeless against this threat, Ryo suggests combining with a demon. With this, Akira becomes Devi...

Eden (2021)

2.50K Views0 Comments

Thousands of years in the future, a city known as "Eden 3" is inhabited solely by robots whose former masters vanished a long time ago. On a routine assignment, two farming robots accidentally awaken a human baby gir...

Yasuke (2021)

3.12K Views0 Comments

In a war-torn feudal Japan filled with mechs and magic, the greatest ronin never known, Yasuke, struggles to maintain a peaceful existence after a past life of violence. But when a local village becomes the center of...

DOTA: Dragon’s Blood (2021)

4.30K Views1 Comments

After encounters with a dragon and a princess on her own mission, a Dragon Knight becomes embroiled in events larger than he could have ever imagined.

Pacific Rim: The Black (2021)

7.54K Views0 Comments

Two siblings - an idealistic teenage boy and his naïve younger sister - are forced to pilot an abandoned Jaeger across a hostile landscape in a desperate attempt to find their missing parents.

High-Rise Invasion (2021)

3.97K Views0 Comments

High-school girl Yuri suddenly finds herself on the rooftop of a high-rise building. She's trapped in a bizarre world surrounded by skyscrapers, where a masked man cracked open a man's head with an axe before her eye...

Great Pretender (2020)

2.58K Views0 Comments

Makoto Edamura is supposedly Japan's greatest swindler. Together with his partner Kudo, they try to trick a Frenchman in Asakusa but unexpectedly get tricked instead. The Frenchman, whom they tried to swindle, turns ...